
This was my workout for the day (video):

Lateral Push-Ups 5
Conditioning Drill: Split Squat Jump (right leg only) 5
(Forward) Alligator Walk Push-Ups 5
Conditioning Drill: Split Squat Jump (left leg only) 5
Lateral Push-Ups 5
Conditioning Drill: Split Squat Jump (right leg only) 5
(Reverse) Alligator Walk Push-Ups 5
Conditioning Drill: Split Squat Jump (left leg only) 5
break 90 sec
Lateral Push-Ups 7
Conditioning Drill: Single Leg RDL reaches (right leg only) 7
(Forward) Alligator Walk Push-Ups 7
Conditioning Drill: Single Leg RDL reaches (left leg only) 7
Lateral Push-Ups 7
Conditioning Drill: Single Leg RDL reaches (right leg only) 7
(Reverse) Alligator Walk Push-Ups 7
Conditioning Drill: Single Leg RDL reaches (left leg only) 7
break 90 sec
Lateral Push-Ups 10
Conditioning Drill: Side Lunge With Knee-Ups (right) 10
(Forward) Alligator Walk Push-Ups 10
Conditioning Drill: Side Lunge With Knee-Ups (left) 10
Lateral Push-Ups 10
Conditioning Drill: Side Lunge With Knee-Ups (right) 10
(Reverse) Alligator Walk Push-Ups 10
Conditioning Drill: Side Lunge With Knee-Ups (left) 10


Not an easy one, but not the hardest either. Don’t expect major DOMS from this.


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