Forearm Push Ups: Benefits, Technique, and Variations

Forearm push ups are a challenging variation of the traditional push up that require a great deal of strength and stability in the forearms. Unlike regular push ups that primarily target the chest, shoulders, and triceps, forearm push ups engage the muscles in the forearms, wrists, and hands, making them an effective exercise for building upper body strength and endurance.

To perform a forearm push up, you start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground and your elbows directly under your shoulders. From there, you push yourself up using your forearms and hands, keeping your body straight and your core engaged. While forearm push ups may seem difficult at first, they offer a range of benefits that make them worth incorporating into your workout routine.

Some of the benefits of forearm push ups include increased upper body strength, improved wrist and forearm stability, and enhanced grip strength. Additionally, forearm push ups can help to improve overall body control and balance, making them a great exercise for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Understanding Forearm Push Ups

Forearm push ups are a type of bodyweight exercise that targets your chest, triceps, and shoulders. They are a compound exercise, meaning they work multiple muscle groups at once. Unlike traditional push ups, which are performed with your hands on the ground, forearm push ups are performed with your forearms on the ground.

To perform a forearm push up, start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders and your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels. Lower your body until your chest touches the ground, then push back up to the starting position.

Forearm push ups are a challenging exercise that require a lot of upper body strength. They can be modified to make them easier or more difficult, depending on your fitness level. For example, you can perform them on your knees instead of your toes to make them easier, or you can elevate your feet to make them more difficult.

Forearm push ups are a great exercise to include in your workout routine if you want to build upper body strength and improve your overall fitness. They are a bodyweight exercise, which means you can do them anywhere, anytime, without any equipment. Plus, they are a compound exercise, which means you get more bang for your buck in terms of muscle activation.

In summary, forearm push ups are a challenging bodyweight exercise that work multiple muscle groups at once. They are a great exercise to include in your workout routine if you want to build upper body strength and improve your overall fitness.

Benefits of Forearm Push Ups

Forearm push ups are a variation of the traditional push up that targets the forearms, upper body strength, core, chest muscles, triceps, pectorals, serratus anterior, and abdominal muscles. Here are some of the benefits of incorporating forearm push ups into your workout routine:

Increased upper body strength

Forearm push ups require more upper body strength than traditional push ups because they engage the forearms and require more stability. By incorporating forearm push ups into your workout routine, you will see an increase in your upper body strength.

Improved forearm strength

Forearm push ups specifically target the forearms, which can lead to improved grip strength and overall forearm strength. This can be beneficial for activities such as rock climbing, weightlifting, and carrying heavy objects.

Strengthened core

Forearm push ups require more core stability than traditional push ups because of the increased time spent in the plank position. This can lead to a strengthened core, which is important for overall body strength and stability.

Targeted chest muscles

Forearm push ups target the chest muscles, specifically the pectorals. By incorporating forearm push ups into your workout routine, you can strengthen and tone your chest muscles.

Engaged triceps and serratus anterior

Forearm push ups engage the triceps and serratus anterior muscles, which are often neglected in traditional push ups. Strengthening these muscles can lead to improved overall upper body strength and stability.

Improved abdominal muscles

Forearm push ups require more core stability, which can lead to improved abdominal strength and tone. By incorporating forearm push ups into your workout routine, you can strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles.

Overall, forearm push ups are a challenging and effective exercise that can lead to improved upper body strength, forearm strength, core stability, and muscle tone.

Proper Form and Technique

When doing forearm push-ups, proper form and technique are crucial to avoid injury and get the most out of the exercise. Here are some tips to help you maintain good form:

  • Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground and your elbows directly underneath your shoulders.
  • Make sure your hands are extended and your fingers are spread wide for balance.
  • Keep your torso in a straight line from your head to your heels, engaging your core muscles to prevent your lower back from sagging.
  • Lower your body by bending your elbows and pressing your forearms into the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Lower yourself until your chest is a few inches from the ground, then push yourself back up by extending your arms and pressing your forearms into the ground.
  • Throughout the exercise, breathe in as you lower yourself and breathe out as you push yourself back up.
  • Keep your neck in a neutral position, neither arching nor flattening your back.

Maintaining proper form and technique during forearm push-ups can help you avoid injury and get the most out of the exercise. By following these tips, you can ensure that you are engaging the right muscles and performing the exercise correctly.

Safety and Precautions

Forearm push-ups are a great way to strengthen your upper body, but it’s important to do them safely to avoid injuries. Here are some safety and precautionary measures to keep in mind when doing forearm push-ups:

Joint Safety

When doing forearm push-ups, it’s important to keep your joints safe. Make sure that your elbows are directly under your shoulders and that your wrists are in a neutral position. Avoid bending your wrists too far or letting them sag. This can cause strain on your wrists and lead to injury.

Workouts and Injury

Forearm push-ups are a challenging workout, and it’s important to listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard, too fast, or too soon. Start with a few reps and gradually increase the number of reps as you build strength. If you experience pain or discomfort, stop immediately and consult a doctor or physical therapist.

Wrist Pain

Forearm push-ups can put a lot of pressure on your wrists. If you experience wrist pain, try doing the push-ups on your fists or using push-up handles. This will help reduce the stress on your wrists and make the exercise more comfortable.

Spine and Neutral Position

Maintaining a neutral spine position is important when doing forearm push-ups. Make sure that your back is straight and your core is engaged. Avoid letting your hips sag or arching your back. This can put unnecessary strain on your spine and lead to injury.

Warm-up and Mobility

Before doing forearm push-ups, it’s important to warm up your muscles and joints. Spend a few minutes doing some light cardio or stretching. This will help increase blood flow to your muscles and improve your mobility, reducing the risk of injury.

Safety and Engagement

Safety is key when doing forearm push-ups. Make sure that you are engaging your muscles properly and using proper form. Avoid rushing through the exercise or using momentum to lift yourself up. This can lead to injury and reduce the effectiveness of the workout.

By following these safety and precautionary measures, you can safely and effectively incorporate forearm push-ups into your workout routine. Remember to listen to your body and consult a doctor or physical therapist if you experience pain or discomfort.

Equipment and Setup

Before you start doing forearm push ups, you need to ensure that you have the right equipment and setup. Here’s what you need:

  • Floor: You can do forearm push ups on any stable surface, but it’s best to do them on a floor that is clean and free of any debris or obstacles.
  • Yoga mat or towel: If you have a hard floor, you may want to use a yoga mat or towel to provide some cushioning for your hands and forearms.
  • Dumbbells: If you want to make your forearm push ups more challenging, you can use dumbbells to add extra resistance. Hold one dumbbell in each hand and place them on the floor, then grip the handles and perform the push ups.
  • Bench or stable surface: If you want to do incline or decline forearm push ups, you can use a bench or stable surface to elevate your feet or hands.
  • Bar or medicine ball: If you want to add variety to your forearm push ups, you can use a bar or medicine ball to perform them. Grip the bar or place your hands on the medicine ball and perform the push ups.
  • Bosu ball: If you want to challenge your balance and stability, you can perform forearm push ups on a Bosu ball. Place your hands on the flat side of the ball and perform the push ups.

To set up for forearm push ups, follow these steps:

  1. Get into a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your forearms flat on the floor.
  2. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders and your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  3. Engage your core and glutes to keep your body stable.
  4. Lower your body towards the floor by bending your elbows, keeping your forearms flat on the ground.
  5. Push yourself back up to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

By having the right equipment and setup, you can perform forearm push ups safely and effectively.

Variations of Forearm Push Ups

Forearm push-ups are a great way to build strength in your upper body and core. They are a challenging exercise that can be done in a variety of ways to target different muscles and add variety to your workout routine.

Fingertip Push-Ups

Fingertip push-ups are a variation of forearm push-ups that require more strength and stability in your hands and wrists. To perform this exercise, start in a plank position with your hands in fists and your fingertips touching the ground. Lower your body down towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body, and then push back up to the starting position.

Knuckle Push-Ups

Knuckle push-ups are another variation of forearm push-ups that require more strength in your hands and wrists. To perform this exercise, start in a plank position with your hands in fists and your knuckles touching the ground. Lower your body down towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body, and then push back up to the starting position.

Clap Push-Ups

Clap push-ups are a more advanced variation of forearm push-ups that require explosive power in your upper body. To perform this exercise, start in a plank position with your hands on the ground. Lower your body down towards the ground, and then push up with enough force to lift your hands off the ground and clap in front of your chest. Land with your hands back on the ground and repeat.

Fingertip Push-Up

Fingertip push-ups are a variation of forearm push-ups that require more strength and stability in your hands and wrists. To perform this exercise, start in a plank position with your hands in fists and your fingertips touching the ground. Lower your body down towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body, and then push back up to the starting position.

Incorporating these variations of forearm push-ups into your workout routine can help you build strength and add variety to your exercises. However, it’s important to start with the basic forearm push-up and gradually work your way up to the more advanced variations to avoid injury.

Alternatives to Forearm Push Ups

If you’re looking for alternatives to forearm push ups, there are several exercises that can help you build strength in your forearms and upper body. Here are a few options to consider:

Push Ups

Standard push ups are a great alternative to forearm push ups, as they work many of the same muscle groups. By placing more weight on your hands and wrists, push ups can help you build strength in your forearms and upper body. Start with a few sets of 10-15 reps and gradually increase the number of reps or sets as you get stronger.

Bench Press

The bench press is another exercise that can help you build strength in your chest, shoulders, and triceps, while also engaging your forearms. To perform a bench press, lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor and your hands on the barbell. Lower the bar to your chest, then push it back up to the starting position. Start with a weight that you can comfortably lift for 8-10 reps and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger.


Deadlifts are a great exercise for building overall strength, including in your forearms. To perform a deadlift, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Bend down and grip the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lift the weight off the ground by straightening your legs and pulling your shoulders back. Lower the weight back down to the ground and repeat. Start with a weight that you can comfortably lift for 8-10 reps and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger.

Forearm Exercises

If you’re specifically looking to build strength in your forearms, there are several exercises you can do. Wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and farmer’s walks are all great options. To perform wrist curls, sit on a bench with your forearms resting on your thighs and your palms facing up. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and curl your wrists up towards your forearms. Lower the weight back down and repeat. Reverse wrist curls are performed in the same way, but with your palms facing down. Farmer’s walks involve holding a heavy weight in each hand and walking for a set distance or time.

By incorporating these exercises into your workout routine, you can build strength in your forearms and upper body without relying solely on forearm push ups. Remember to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger.

Forearm Push Ups for Different Levels

Forearm push ups are a great exercise for building upper body strength and improving overall fitness. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete, there are different variations of forearm push ups that you can do to challenge yourself and achieve your fitness goals.


If you’re new to forearm push ups, start with wall push ups. Stand facing a wall and place your hands on the wall at shoulder height. Step back until your arms are straight and your body is at a slight angle. Bend your elbows to lower your body towards the wall, then push back up to the starting position. This is a great way to build strength in your forearms and upper body without putting too much strain on your wrists.


For more advanced athletes, try doing forearm push ups on the floor. Get into a plank position with your forearms on the ground, elbows directly under your shoulders. Tighten your core and lower your body until your chest is just above the ground, then push back up to the starting position. This variation requires more strength and stability in your core and upper body, so make sure you’re comfortable with wall push ups before trying this.

Forearm Size

If you’re looking to build bigger forearms, try doing forearm push ups on your fingertips. Start in a plank position with your fingertips on the ground instead of your palms. Lower your body towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your sides, then push back up to the starting position. This variation puts more emphasis on your forearms, helping to build strength and size.


To incorporate your legs into your forearm push ups, try doing them in a downward dog position. Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground, then lift your hips up and back into a downward dog position. Lower your body towards the ground, then push back up to the starting position. This variation works your upper body and core while also engaging your legs.


If you experience discomfort in your wrists while doing forearm push ups, try doing them on your fists. Start in a plank position with your fists on the ground instead of your palms. Lower your body towards the ground, then push back up to the starting position. This variation takes some of the pressure off your wrists and can be more comfortable for some people.

In conclusion, forearm push ups are a versatile exercise that can be modified to suit your fitness level and goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete, there’s a variation of this exercise that can help you build strength and improve your overall fitness.

Building Strength and Hypertrophy

Forearm push ups are a highly effective exercise for building strength and hypertrophy in your upper body. By targeting your biceps, flexors, grip strength, pectoral muscles, triceps brachii, abdominal muscles, and connective tissues, forearm push ups can help you achieve a well-rounded upper body workout.

When performing forearm push ups, it is important to maintain proper form to maximize the benefits of the exercise. Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground and your elbows directly under your shoulders. Slowly lower your body towards the ground while keeping your core engaged and your back straight. Push back up to the starting position and repeat for several reps.

To build strength and hypertrophy with forearm push ups, it is important to gradually increase the difficulty of the exercise. This can be done by adding weight, increasing the number of reps, or increasing the duration of each rep.

In addition to building strength and hypertrophy, forearm push ups can also help improve your grip strength and power. By engaging your forearms and grip muscles, you can increase your ability to perform other exercises and activities that require grip strength.

Overall, incorporating forearm push ups into your upper body workout routine can help you achieve a well-rounded, strong, and toned upper body.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective push-up variations to target the forearms?

Some effective push-up variations to target the forearms include fingertip push-ups, diamond push-ups, and knuckle push-ups. These variations place more emphasis on the muscles in the forearms, helping to strengthen and tone them.

What muscles do push-ups work besides the chest?

Push-ups work a variety of muscles in addition to the chest, including the triceps, shoulders, and core muscles. Depending on the variation of push-up you perform, push-ups can also target the biceps, back, and forearms.

Can push-ups alone build strong forearms?

Push-ups can certainly help build strong forearms, but they should not be relied on as the sole exercise for forearm strength. Incorporating other exercises such as wrist curls, reverse curls, and grip strength exercises can help target the forearm muscles more effectively.

What are some other exercises that can help strengthen the forearms?

Other exercises that can help strengthen the forearms include wrist curls, reverse curls, farmer’s walks, and grip strength exercises such as squeezing a hand gripper or using a grip strengthener.

Are knuckle push-ups more effective than traditional push-ups for building forearm strength?

Knuckle push-ups can be more effective than traditional push-ups for building forearm strength, as they place more emphasis on the muscles in the forearms. However, they can also put more stress on the wrists and hands, so it is important to use proper form and gradually build up strength before attempting them.

What are some tips for proper form when doing push-ups to avoid wrist pain?

To avoid wrist pain when doing push-ups, make sure your wrists are aligned with your shoulders and your fingers are spread wide. Keep your elbows close to your body and engage your core and glutes to maintain proper form. If you experience pain, try modifying your hand position or using push-up handles to reduce the stress on your wrists.

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