Can You Drink Protein Shakes Without Working Out?

Illustration of a man wearing sunglasses, drinking a protein shake on the sofa

Ah, the age-old question: to shake or not to shake when you’re not breaking a sweat. Look, protein shakes aren’t some magical elixir that you can only consume if you’ve just bench-pressed a car. They’re just a convenient source of protein. That’s it. No need to overcomplicate things. If you’re not working out, you can … Read more

What’s The Anabolic Window?

man with protein shake after workout

The anabolic window is a concept in sports nutrition suggesting that there is a limited time period after exercise, typically thought to be about 30 minutes, during which the body is optimally primed to accept nutrients (especially protein and carbohydrates) and use them to accelerate muscle recovery and growth. Other names for the anabolic window … Read more