5 Cheap Herbs That Boost Adiponectin Levels for Improved Metabolic Health

Herbs That Boost Adiponectin

Adiponectin is a hormone that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves when we talk about metabolic health. Produced by our adipose tissue, this protein hormone plays a crucial role in a host of metabolic processes including glucose regulation and fat metabolism. Its importance extends to weight management and overall wellness. As someone who battled … Read more

What’s The Anabolic Window?

man with protein shake after workout

The anabolic window is a concept in sports nutrition suggesting that there is a limited time period after exercise, typically thought to be about 30 minutes, during which the body is optimally primed to accept nutrients (especially protein and carbohydrates) and use them to accelerate muscle recovery and growth. Other names for the anabolic window … Read more

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Good For?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been touted for a variety of health benefits and uses, both internally and externally. It’s worth noting that while many people swear by these benefits, scientific evidence for some claims is limited. I personally am in camp ACV, and often use it as a pre-workout drink, so here are some … Read more

Slow Carb Diet

Why I’m interested in the slow carb diet: Or here’s a visual version from Tim Ferriss’ 1-pager: What I like about this is really the simplicity. You can watch this segment from the Huberman podcast from June 2023.

Spinach and muscle growth? Here’s the 2018 breakdown (actionable advice and scientific research)

Turns out Popey was right when it comes to spinach. Spinach DOES help with muscle growth. Chemicals in spinach help to speed up the body’s conversion of protein into muscle mass, as scientists found out in 2008. They extracted specific chemicals from spinach, called phytoecdysteroids, and placed them on human muscle tissue in a lab. The … Read more

Quinoa for muscle growth?

I put Quinoa in a blender and pulverized it. Then added 20g into my shake. Tasted fucking delicious. Next time I’ll try 50g. Really? Quinoa for musclebuilding? You sure? Based on what I’ve learned when looking into the matter, I do think that quinoa is a great food for anyone who wants to take in … Read more