The Killer Workout Never Ends

Here’s one thing that I needed to really learn about working out: It’s not something that you do to a certain point where you’ve accomplished a certain goal, and then you stop. The only real killer workout is the one that you forever bake into your life, and you never stop doing it. Just like … Read more

Pre-workout motivation

Sometimes you just need a little nudge to push you over the edge of comfort. Something that lessons the gravity of not exercising, so you get your ass in motion. You need a good bit of pre-workout motivation! Here are some pre-workout motivation videos, ranked by the ones I find work best for me personally. … Read more

If others can, so can you

In his latest blog post, Seth Godin wrote that “if someone knows how to do something, that means, with sufficient effort, you could probably learn it too.” – Learnable The same is true for fitness. If other people have gotten fit, so can you. Now yes, there are limitations to this. If you’re 37 years … Read more


Workout: none Food: Chicken rice curry at 2am (airplane food) Longan tea milk Wonton soup Soy milk soft ice cream soymilk Wonton soup, vegetables, fish soup Dinner (shared): bamboo salad, fried lotus stems, grilled pepper pork, chicken pineapple soup, chicken stew Mango bingsu (about 1/3 of this)


Workout: Reverse Lunges l,r, Split Squat 20 rest (<2m) x Superman Push-Ups l,r, Clapping Plyo Push-Ups 8 rest (<2m) x “21” Crunch ? rest (<2m) x Reverse Lunges l,r, Split Squat 14 rest (<2m) x Superman Push-Ups l,r, Clapping Plyo Push-Ups 7 rest (<2m) x “21” Crunch 20 rest (<2m) x Reverse Lunges l,r, Split … Read more